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Finding What Matters Most: A Journey Before the End

As we near the end of our lives, something shifts inside us. Suddenly, the things that seemed so important lose their shine, and we're...

Why do we wait to be happy?

Why do we wait to be happy? In a world where we're bombarded with images of seemingly perfect lives and told that happiness lies just beyond the n...

Revitalize Your Mind and Body: 7 Ways to Reset at Home

In our fast-paced world, where stress and fatigue often seem like constants, taking time to reset your mind and body is essential for overall well-being. While a retreat to a secluded spa or a wellness resort might be ideal, it's not always feasible. Fortunately, you can achieve a rejuvenating reset right in the comfort of your own home. Here's how:

Gratitude, Mindful Living, and Happiness: How They're Connected

Gratitude is a powerful emotion that can improve your overall well-being and increase your sense of happiness. When you practice gratitude regularly, you become more aware of the positive things in your life, which can help you to feel more content and satisfied.

Why Gratitude Symbol Bracelet?

 Life's pursuit often seems endless—a constant chase for goals, each achievement only leading to the next ambition. It's natural to question if this cycle of striving ever truly satisfies us. Are the moments of waiting and anxiety worth the eventual sense of accomplishment? Do they truly lead to happiness?

Consciousness and Beyond From TV Show 'undone'

undone by amazon Recently, I watched a show,'undone' from Amazon. It's about a girl practicing time travel to find who killed her father. But in t...

The Power of Observing Negative Emotion

  White Sails***** Painting by Kirstin McCoy Whether that's from a person, work or a personal issue, negative emotions come up more often than n...

Finding Joy Not Rushing

Lipstick and Love by Denise Prince We are in a rush most of time. We eat in a rush to be full. We cook in a rush to eat. We walk in a rush to arr...

The Way to Love by Anthony De Mello

This book, The way to love by Anthony de Mello, talks about illusion of ourselves - the part of us being in our head too much and being suffered. The negative feelings of anxiety, depression, hatred, envy and anger can be explained not by blaming specific situation or someone but ourselves. 

Create The Space

<somewhere over the rainbow by Kasia Derwinska> The thoughts and feelings come and go. It’s natural. One day we are full of energy, everyt...

The Whole Earth is Medicine - Koan

<Nobis by Marianne Hendriks> From the practice of Koan today : Medicine and disease correspond to each other. The whole earth is medicine. ...

One Bright Pearl - Koan

From waking up app by Sam Harris, I learned about concept of one bright pearl from Koan practice. The story goes... There was a zen practitioner li...