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A Growing Plant

A Growing Plant

There's something we can learn from how a plant grows with just dirt, air and sun light. 

I have a plant (money tree - I don't know why people call that way). It has 3 branches twisted around each others and each has 4-5 green leaves. 

After changing soil months ago, I see at least one new leave or 2-3 more new leaves come out every other week. New leaves bring me joy whenever I see it. One morning, I was staring at the tree and had a moment.

What I realize is the joy comes not from the perfect shape that's fully grown. The joy comes from looking at the growing leaves. It grew from the ground, and builds the height one step at a time, one leaf after another. Each leaf is special and related to another. Each leaf grows without pressure, not in rush. It sprouts when it's ready. 

Sometimes I wonder how our intelligence ignores or forgets the basics of nature. Admiring and remembering the key element of nature, we might find its own beauty and joy in them.